Mobility Issues in the Elderly


As you age, your body changes. You lose muscle mass and bone density, leading to mobility issues. If you have mobility issues due to aging, you may think of what causes these problems.

The answer is complicated and depends on your age and health status. Aging itself does not cause mobility issues. It is the combination of aging with other conditions that make it more likely for you to develop mobility problems.

When you reach middle age, your joints start to wear down and become less flexible. As a result, they can become stiffer and harder to move around in. It can make it difficult to walk or to move around in general.

As we age, we lose muscle mass and bone density (the amount of calcium in the bones). It makes it harder for us to support ourselves when standing up or walking around. It also means we’re more likely to fall over if our balance isn’t good enough or we trip over something on the ground like a rock or stick lying around somewhere nearby.

Are you an elderly who has mobility issues and need Companion Care?
Do you want to stay in your home but need help with Personal Care? Look no further than G&W Excellent Home Care Services!

Our Non-Medical Home Care Florida is designed to give you the extra support you need, so you can spend your time and energy doing the things you love.

We offer a range of services for seniors who need ADL Assistance, like bathing, grooming, dressing, cooking, cleaning, and more.

We’ll tailor a plan that works best for your needs and goals. Contact our Home Care in West Palm, Florida, today!

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